A Simple Guide On How To Clean Timberland Boots

Learn how to clean timberland boots using household products. Find out how to clean black timberland boots, suede Timberlands, and leather Timberlands at home.

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If you’re a boot lover, you most probably own a pair of Timberland boots. Once you’ve invested in these iconic boots, you need to maintain them properly to make them last longer. As long as you clean them regularly and cautiously, you will walk miles with them for several years. So, this article will guide you through some underlying steps on how to clean your Timberland boots.

Preparation for Cleaning

Before you start cleaning your boots, make some quick preparation for an in-depth boot cleanse. Such practice must begin with shoelace removal and brushing off the dirt on the outside part of the boots. 

Remove shoelaces 

First things first: remove the shoelaces. In order for the cleaning process to be done thoroughly, take off the shoelaces beforehand. If you don’t do so, they’ll get in your way, getting soaking wet and causing disruption.

Also, you won’t be able to deep-clean all the boot spots if the shoelaces aren’t removed. 

Remove dirt and scuff 

Another step you need to take is to quickly brush off the debris or dirt on the boot’s outer part, which will pave the way for your Timberlands to be as clean as a whistle. So, grab the boot brush you own and scuff the surface of the boots carefully.

How To Clean Timberland Boots at Home 

Dish soap, toothbrush, water, baking soda, vinegar, baby wipes, and bread are just some of the household items you can use to clean your Timberlands boots at home. Such products make the cleaning process easy-breezy. By using these household items, you will perform some at-home cleaning methods that are practical and useful. As a result, you will extend the longevity of your Timberland boots. 

How to clean Timberland boots with soap and water

One of the most common methods to clean your boots at home is using the basics: soap and water.

To do so, you’ll need a clean fiber cloth or towel, a soft brush (it could also be a toothbrush), and a small bucket that contains a mixture of water and soap. Then, put some water and soap mixture on the brush to brush off the boots.

Make sure you start with scrubbing the soles of the boots. Next, dip the fiber cloth in the mixture and wipe your Timberlands all-around with it. Finally, dry them with another clean and dry cloth or towel. Once you’ve done all that, let the boots dry overnight, and they’ll be ready to be worn the following day. 

How to clean Timberland boots with baking soda

Another way to clean your Timberland boots is with baking soda. This is mainly used when there are persistent stains on the boots and can’t go off by simply using water and soap.

To get rid of such stains, sprinkle some baking soda over them and let it sit for at least an hour. If the spots you’ve got are too big and deep, then it’s better to scrub the area with a sponge or towel after you’ve let the baking soda sit for a while over the boots.

Baking soda has an absorbing effect on the oils that cause unwanted spots on your boots. So, your Timberland boots get clean once you apply baking soda to them. 

How to clean Timberland boots with vinegar

Another household product that helps clean your Timberland boots is vinegar. No matter how deep the stains in your boots are, vinegar—a natural cleaner—will vanish them.

To start the process:

  • Drop just a little bit of vinegar inside a water container.
  • Put a towel or a fiber cloth into this mixture and let it dip in it for a bit.
  • Take the fiber cloth to rub over the stains.

All the grease, salt, or any other stain will be gone with this vinegar mixture. The only drawback is its pungent smell, so make sure to let your boots dry in a fresh air area.

How to clean Timberland boots with baby wipes and bread

Well, we’ve all seen the baby wipes as a “go-to” clean method when in a hurry. They are quite practical, especially when we want to clean our boots just before leaving the house. For Timberland boots, baby wipes in combination with bread making as a perfect at-home cleaning method.

If there are some stains you’ve just noticed and don’t have enough time to clean them with water and let them dry afterward, use baby wipes and crust-free bread as your go-to cleaning method.

To do so, first, wipe the boots with baby wipes. Then use crust-free bread to scrub out your Timberland boots. The bread will help get off any strain as well as smoothen the fabric of your boots. 

So, next time a stain catches you by surprise while you’re in a rush, baby wipes and crust-free bread scrub are your fast and easy solution. 

How To Clean Timberland Boots?

Despite all the methods provided above to clean your Timberland Boots at home, different Timberland boots require distinct cleaning procedures.

Let’s see the care each type of Timberland boots needs to stay clean and in good condition for a long time. 

How to clean black Timberland boots?

There is no rocket science on how to clean black Timberland boots. Same as we mentioned above, before starting your cleaning process, remove laces and scuff out excess dirt on the surface. After that, use a wet towel to wipe the mud left after the scuff phase. Then, find the right cleaning spray or solution for the types of boots you’ve got. Once you’ve got the cleaning spray, use a sponge or a fiber cloth to clean the boot all around.

Before you are finished, make sure to wash the soles for a proper boot cleanse. Then, rinse them off and let them dry, preferably in the sun.

After you’ve followed these steps, remember to always buff, seal, and waterproof the boots, it indeed affects the boot life. 

How to clean suede Timberland boots? 

To clean your suede Timberlands, first, make sure you have these items: a suede brush, a suede eraser, a sharp-pointed knife, and newspaper—you need the latter to protect the floor from getting dirty.

Before you start:

Take off as much dirt as possible by yourself.

Use the suede brush to scuff the dirt or dust on the surface of your boots.

Once you’ve done that, use your suede eraser to remove the stains on your suede Timberlands.

The procedure is done by rubbing or scuffing the boot with the eraser. If the stains are deep, use a butter knife to scrape them. You could also use an absorbent powder to remove the greasy stains.

Once the scrubbing is done, your suede Timberlands are clean and ready to wear.

How to clean leather Timberland boots?

To take proper care of your leather Timberlands, clean them carefully. The process starts with brushing off the excess debris on the boots. Then, you should dampen a towel or cloth in the mixture of water and soap or water and vinegar to rub the boot all around. This method helps to take off the deep stains created on the boots.

After that, let Timberlands dry overnight in a well-ventilated place. For extra care for your leather Timberlands, you can use a leather conditioner that will help you extend your boot’s life.

Protecting and Preventing Timberland Boots 

You don’t only want to clean your boots when they’re all dirt and mud. Continuous care and maintenance will extend the life of your Timberland boots.

A good start should be to brush the dirt off regularly to prevent any dirt build-ups. You could also use a foaming cleaner to stamp out unwanted stains or marks, and you can do this by using a cloth or sponge and rubbing the boots around with it.

Another way to protect your boots is by using a stain-repellent spray. The spray acts as a shield on your Timberland boots against water and stains. In this case, a stain-repellent spray will be an investment in the longevity of your Timberlands.  


If you’ve invested your money in a pair of Timberland boots, invest some of your time to take care of them properly. Knowing how to clean Timberland boots without a kit and clean them based on materials they are made prolongs their wear time. 


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